Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Lonely Wife (1964)

Original title: charulata
Production: India|117 min| black and white
Dramatic, Romantic
Poster of movie The Lonely Wife

Origin of the subject


Satyajit RaySatyajit Rayregista

Production and Screenplay

Satyajit RaySatyajit Raysceneggiatore
R.d. Bansalproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Soumitra ChatterjeeSoumitra Chatterjee(età:29)
Shailen Mukherjee
(bhupati dutta)
Gitali Roy
Suku Mukherjee
Dilip Bose
(nilotpal dey)
Bankim Ghosh

Technical staff

Satyajit RaySatyajit Raymusiche
Subrata MitraSubrata Mitradirettore della fotografia
Dulal Duttamontatore
Bansi Chandraguptascenografo
Ananta Dastruccatore