Database of cinema, music, history and literature

I Sent a Letter to My Love (1980)

Original title: chère inconnue
96 min
Poster of movie I Sent a Letter to My Love

Festivals and awards


Moshe MizrahiMoshe Mizrahiregista

Production and Screenplay

Giorgio Silvagniproduttore
Gerard Brachsceneggiatore
Gerard Brachdialoghi
Moshe MizrahiMoshe Mizrahisceneggiatore
Moshe MizrahiMoshe Mizrahidialoghi
Lise Fayolleproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Marius LaureyMarius Laurey(età:55)
Marion LoranMarion Loran(età:41)
Jean Obé(età:52)

Technical staff

Philippe SardePhilippe Sardemusiche
Bernard EveinBernard Eveinscenografo
Ghislain Cloquetdirettore della fotografia
Christian GascChristian Gasccostumista
Francoise BonnotFrancoise Bonnotmontatore