Database of cinema, music, history and literature

cimarron (1960)

Original title: cimarron
Production: USA|147 min|
Western, Dramatic, Adventure

Festivals and awards

Oscar 1961 - nomination Best Sound
Assigned to: Franklin E.milton

Origin of the subject


Anthony MannAnthony Mannregista
Charles Waltersregista

Production and Screenplay

Arnold Schulmansceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Maria SchellMaria Schell(età:34)
(Sabra Cravat)
Glenn FordGlenn Ford(età:44)
(Yancey Cravat)
Anne BaxterAnne Baxter(età:37)
(Dixie Lee)
Arthur O'connellArthur O'connell(età:52)
(tom wyatt)
Russ TamblynRuss Tamblyn(età:26)
(william hardy)
Mercedes MccambridgeMercedes Mccambridge(età:44)
(mrs. sarah wyatt)
Vic MorrowVic Morrow(età:31)
(wes jennings)
Robert KeithRobert Keith(età:62)
(sam pegler)
Charles McgrawCharles Mcgraw(età:46)
(bob yountis)
Edgar BuchananEdgar Buchanan(età:57)
(giudice neal hefner)
Mary WickesMary Wickes(età:48)
(mrs. hefner)
Lili Darvas(età:58)
(felicia venable)
David OpatoshuDavid Opatoshu(età:42)
(Sol Levy)
jessie rickey
L.Q. JonesL.Q. Jones(età:33)
Royal DanoRoyal Dano(età:38)
Aline McmahonAline Mcmahon(età:61)
Charles Watts(età:48)
ManRobert Carson(età:51)
Paul BryarPaul Bryar(età:50)
Charles SeelCharles Seel(età:63)
Gene RothGene Roth(età:57)
John PickardJohn Pickard(età:47)
Harry MorganHarry Morgan(età:45)

Technical staff

Henry GraceHenry Gracescenografo
Franz WaxmanFranz Waxmanmusiche
Robert SurteesRobert Surteesdirettore della fotografia
Franklin E.miltontecnico del suono
Addison Hehrscenografo
ManHugh Huntscenografo
Otto Siegelscenografo
ManGeorge W. Davisscenografo
ManJohn D. dunningmontatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1960)