Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Cineastas contra magnates (2005)

Original title: cineastas contra magnates
Production: Spain|97 min| black and white
Documentary, Historical
Poster of movie Cineastas contra magnates

Festivals and awards


Carlos Benparregista

Production and Screenplay

Carlos Benparsceneggiatore
Ferran Alberichsceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Liv UllmannLiv Ullmann(età:66)
(liv ullmann)
Giuliano MontaldoGiuliano Montaldo(età:75)
(giuliano montaldo)
Sydney PollackSydney Pollack(età:71)
(sydney pollack)
Jack CardiffJack Cardiff(età:91)
(jack cardiff)
Stanley DonenStanley Donen(età:81)
(stanley donen)
john huston
max schreck
marian marsh
paul richter
peter o'toole
james dean
enzo staiola
Vittorio De Sica
Tony Curtis
Orson Welles
King Vidor
Julie London
John Barrymore
Groucho Marx
Federico Fellini
Buster Keaton
christopher lee
kirk douglas
sterling hayden
robert stack
josé isbert
anthony perkins
janet leigh
romy schneider
rock hudson
dorothy malone
francisco rabal
Bela Lugosi

Technical staff

Tomàs Pladevalldirettore della fotografia
Xavier Orómusiche
Pep Solórzanomusiche
Xavier Camídirettore della fotografia
Manu De la Reinamontatore