Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Citizen Ruth (1996)

Original title: citizen ruth
Production: USA|106 min
Comedy, Dramatic
Poster of movie Citizen Ruth
an irresponsible, drug-addicted, recently impregnated woman finds herself in the middle of an abortion debate when both parties attempt to sway her to their respective sides.


Alexander PayneAlexander Payneregista

Production and Screenplay

Cathy Konradproduttore
Cary Woodsproduttore
Alexander PayneAlexander Paynesceneggiatore
Alexander PayneAlexander Paynescrittore
Andrew Stoneproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Laura DernLaura Dern(età:29)
(ruth stoops)
Swoosie KurtzSwoosie Kurtz(età:52)
(diane siegler)
Kurtwood SmithKurtwood Smith(età:53)
(norm stoney)
Mary Kay PlaceMary Kay Place(età:49)
(gail stoney)
Kelly PrestonKelly Preston(età:34)
M.C. GaineyM.C. Gainey(età:48)
Kenneth MarsKenneth Mars(età:61)
(dr. charlie rollins)
David GrafDavid Graf(età:46)
(judge richter)
Kathleen NooneKathleen Noone(età:51)
(nurse pat)
Tippi HedrenTippi Hedren(età:61)
(jessica weiss)
Burt ReynoldsBurt Reynolds(età:61)
(blaine gibbons)
Diane LaddDiane Ladd(età:57)
Alicia WittAlicia Witt(età:21)
ManCaveh Zahedi(età:36)
James Devney(età:49)
William Jones(età:42)
Robert Dudley(età:127)
Peg Sheldrick(età:40)
Tony Wike(età:41)

Technical staff

James Glennondirettore della fotografia
Tom Mckinleycostumista
Rolfe Kentmusiche
Kevin Tentmontatore
Jane Ann Stewartscenografo
Stacy Heatherlyparrucchiere
Lisa Denkerscenografo
Lisa Denkerarredatore
Lisa Beachcasting
Brian Mcmanusparrucchiere
Marsha Lewisparrucchiere
Angela Moostruccatore
Tammy Lematruccatore