Database of cinema, music, history and literature

cleo, robes et manteaux (1933)

Original title: cleo, robes et manteaux
Production: Italy|65 min| black and white|
Comedy, Romantic
a beautiful girl spends a night of love with a man without revealing his name. in the morning, upon awakening, the man finds himself alone, but the woman has left him a thousand card and a sheet headed 'cleo, robes et manteaux'. the man, indignant and somewhat intrigued, sets off in search of the beautiful stranger. after a long pilgrimage that leads him through half of europe, he finally finds her, gives her back the ticket of a thousand and, knowing her divorced, marries her.


ManUmberto Scarpelliaiuto regista

Production and Screenplay

ManNunzio Malasommasceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

Laura NucciLaura Nucci(età:20)
Franco CoopFranco Coop(età:42)
Carmen BoniCarmen Boni(età:27)

Technical staff

ManUmberto Mancinimusiche
Ferdinando Martinidirettore della fotografia
Nino Maccaronesscenografo
Guy Simonmontatore