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Color Me Dead (1969)

Original title: color me dead
Production: UK|97 min
Thriller, Dramatic, Action
Poster of movie Color Me Dead
a man discovers that he has been deliberately poisoned and hasn't long to live. in the short time he has left, he determines to find out who poisoned him and why.


Eddie Davisregista

Production and Screenplay

Eddie Davisproduttore
Clarence Greenesceneggiatore
Russell Rousesceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Carolyn JonesCarolyn Jones(età:40)
Tom TryonTom Tryon(età:43)
Suzy KendallSuzy Kendall(età:25)
Rick JasonRick Jason(età:46)
Tom Oliver(età:31)
Peter Sumner(età:27)
John Huson(età:63)
Gary GrayGary Gray(età:33)

Technical staff

Warren Adamsmontatore
Bob Youngmusiche
Sid Fortscenografo