Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Look at Me (2004)

Original title: comme une image
110 min
Poster of movie Look at Me
the story of human beings who know perfectly well what they would do instead of others, but they do not do so well in their place. lolita cassard is a girl of twenty, angry with the world because she doesn't look like magazine girls or even her stepmother. he would like to be beautiful at all costs, at least in the eyes of his father; or at least he would like his father to notice her. etienne cassard fails to pay attention to people because he is too busy with himself; he has had to struggle to assert himself but he realizes that he is getting old and he knows what it means not to be loved. pierre miller is a disillusioned writer, convinced that he will never succeed, until success arrives and pierre meets sylvia miller, a singing teacher who believes in her husband and her talent, but instead has doubts about her talent and that of his pupil lolita. until he discovers that he is the daughter of etienne cassard, the writer he admires so much.

Festivals and awards


Agnes JaouiAgnes Jaouiregista

Production and Screenplay

Christian Berardproduttore
Marilou Berrysceneggiatore
Jean-Pierre BacriJean-Pierre Bacrisceneggiatore
Agnes JaouiAgnes Jaouisceneggiatore
Judith Havasproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Lolita Cassard
Pierre Millet
Sylvia Millet
étienne cassard
Marilou Berry(età:21)
Agnes JaouiAgnes Jaoui(età:40)
Samir GuesmiSamir Guesmi(età:37)
Olivier Doran(età:41)
André Crudo(età:63)

Technical staff

Jackie Budincostumista
Philippe RombiPhilippe Rombimusiche
Brigitte Moidoncasting
Olivier Jacquetscenografo
Francois Gedigiermontatore
Stephane Fontainedirettore della fotografia
Eric Benazetparrucchiere
Patrick Giraultparrucchiere
Jimena Estevearredatore
Jacky Reynaltruccatore
Christine Cardaropoliparrucchiere
Catherine Vrignaudtruccatore

Voices and Dubbing