Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Con la pata quebrada (2013)

Original title: con la pata quebrada
83 min
Poster of movie Con la pata quebrada
a trip all along the spanish cinema that analyzes the sexist point of view offered in many films about women. the documentary includes scenes from the times of the spanish republic to the present.

Festivals and awards


Diego Galánregista

Production and Screenplay

Enrique CerezoEnrique Cerezoproduttore esecutivo
Esther GarciaEsther Garciaproduttore
Agustin AlmodovarAgustin Almodovarproduttore esecutivo
Carlos Bernasesproduttore
Diego Galánsceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

Carmen MauraCarmen Maura(età:68)
Maurice RonetMaurice Ronet(età:86)
Alfredo LandaAlfredo Landa(età:80)
Barbara ReyBarbara Rey(età:63)
Ágata LysÁgata Lys(età:60)
Sara MontielSara Montiel(età:85)

Technical staff

Juan Barreromontatore

Voices and Dubbing