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conrad and michelle: if words could kill [filmTV] (2018)

Original title: conrad and michelle: if words could kill
Production: USA|80 min| tv movie
Poster of movie conrad and michelle: if words could kill [filmTV]
the turbulent tragic teen romance of michelle carter and conrad roy that shocked the nation.


Stephen Tolkinregista

Production and Screenplay

Stephen Tolkinsceneggiatore
Stephen Tolkinscrittore
David Manzanaresproduttore
Judith Vernoproduttore esecutivo

Characters and Interpreters

Bella ThorneBella Thorne(età:21)
Josh Randall(età:46)
J.r. Miller(età:16)
Deena DillDeena Dill(età:48)
Mel Fair(età:54)

Technical staff

Henk Vaneeghenmontatore
Susan Edelmancasting
Christel Irickparrucchiere
Dana Campbellcostumista
Leslie Keelscenografo
Olubajo Sonubicasting
Deidre Outlawtruccatore
Petr Cikhartdirettore della fotografia
Sarah Pearsonparrucchiere
Richard Krisharredatore

Music tracks of the soundtrack