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cops [filmTV] (1922)

Original title: cops
Production: USA|18 min| black and white| tv movie| mute
Comedy, Comic


Buster KeatonBuster Keatonregista
Edward F. ClineEdward F. Clineregista

Production and Screenplay

Buster KeatonBuster Keatonsceneggiatore
Edward F. ClineEdward F. Clinesceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

Buster Keaton
Buster KeatonBuster Keaton(età:27)
virginia fox
Virginia FoxVirginia Fox(età:20)
joe roberts
Joe   I RobertsJoe I Roberts(età:51)
edward f. cline
steve murphy
Steve Murphy(età:46)
Noble JohnsonNoble Johnson(età:41)

Technical staff

Elgin Lessleydirettore della fotografia
Elgin Lessleymontatore
Gaylord Cartermusiche