Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Cortex (2008)

Original title: cortex
Production: France|104 min
Thriller, Crime, Mystery
Poster of movie Cortex
a retired police inspector is stricken with alzheimer's and decides to move into a residential clinic where he is puzzled by the sudden deaths of several patients.

Festivals and awards


Production and Screenplay

Nicolas Boukhriefscrittore
Sylvie Pialatproduttore
Mathieu Bompointproduttore esecutivo

Characters and Interpreters

Marthe KellerMarthe Keller(età:63)
Claire NeboutClaire Nebout(età:44)
Yves PignotYves Pignot(età:62)
Pascal ElbéPascal Elbé(età:41)
Claude Perron(età:42)

Technical staff

Laurent Allairescenografo
Dominique Colindirettore della fotografia
Charlotte Arguillèreparrucchiere
Jimmy Springardparrucchiere
Diane Duroctruccatore
Gérald Portenartparrucchiere
Swan Phamcasting
Nathalie Louichontruccatore
Marc Villeneuveparrucchiere
Severine marla Levyparrucchiere
Dominique Galichettruccatore
Lydia Decobertmontatore
Julie Lemoinetruccatore
Véronique Pflugertruccatore
Nicolas Babymusiche
Annie Thiellementcostumista