Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Craig's Wife (1928)

Original title: craig's wife
Production: USA|70 min| black and white| mute
Poster of movie Craig's Wife

Origin of the subject


Production and Screenplay

Clara Berangersceneggiatore
George KellyGeorge Kellysceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Irene RichIrene Rich(età:37)
(mrs. craig)
Warner BaxterWarner Baxter(età:39)
(walter craig)
Virginia Bradford(età:29)
Carroll NyeCarroll Nye(età:27)
(john fredericks)
Lilyan TashmanLilyan Tashman(età:32)
(mrs. passmore)
George IrvingGeorge Irving(età:54)
(mr. passmore)
Jane Keckley(età:52)
(miss austen)
Mabel Van burenMabel Van buren(età:50)
(mrs. frazer)
Ethel WalesEthel Wales(età:50)
Rada Rae
Mary Emery(età:32)

Technical staff

Anne BauchensAnne Bauchensmontatore
ManDavid Abeldirettore della fotografia
Edward C. Jewellscenografo