Database of cinema, music, history and literature

crimetime (1996)

Original title: crimetime
Production: UK, USA|118 min
Thriller, Horror, Crime
Poster of movie crimetime
bobby mahon is an actor playing a notorious serial killer on prime-time television. the show becomes a hit, which encourages the real-life murderer on whom it's based, to go on a spree to make it on screen.


George Sluizerregista

Production and Screenplay

George Sluizerproduttore esecutivo
Brendan Somerssceneggiatore
Barry Barnholtzproduttore esecutivo
Rainer Kölmelproduttore
Philip Alberstatproduttore
Raymond Dayproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Pete PostlethwaitePete Postlethwaite(età:51)
(Sidney, serial killer)
Marianne FaithfullMarianne Faithfull(età:50)
Karen BlackKaren Black(età:54)
Jeff Nuttall(età:63)
Sadie FrostSadie Frost(età:31)
Anne LambtonAnne Lambton(età:42)
Phil DavisPhil Davis(età:43)
Edwina Day(età:74)
Jake WoodJake Wood(età:24)
Roger Frost(età:48)
Emma RobertsEmma Roberts(età:5)
Max Gold(età:38)
Jackie Davis(età:76)

Technical staff

Ann Buchanantruccatore
Jany Temimecostumista
Neesh Rubenarredatore
Bernd Lepelscenografo
Colin Shulvertruccatore
Melissa Lackersteentruccatore
Fabienne Rawleymontatore
Duncan Jarmantruccatore
Eddie Andresscenografo
Reza Karimtruccatore
Liora Reichcasting

Voices and Dubbing