Database of cinema, music, history and literature

criminal law (1988)

Original title: criminal law
Production: USA|108 min|
Dramatic, Thriller


Martin Campbellregista

Production and Screenplay

Mark Kasdansceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

Martin Thiel
Kevin BaconKevin Bacon(età:30)
ben chase
Gary OldmanGary Oldman(età:30)
det. stillwell
Tess HarperTess Harper(età:38)
ellen faulkner
det. mesel
Joe Don BakerJoe Don Baker(età:52)
jacob fischer
Sean Mccann(età:53)
gary hull
prof. clemtes
isabel fuertes
Ali Giron(età:38)

Technical staff

Jerry GoldsmithJerry Goldsmithmusiche
Phil MeheuxPhil Meheuxdirettore della fotografia
Chris Wimblemontatore
Alain Giguèrescenografo
Jocelyne Bellemaretruccatore
Ronald Fauteuxcostumista

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1988)