crocodile dundee 3 (2001)
Original title: crocodile dundee 3
Production: Australia, USA|92 min
Action, Adventure

This movie is episode 3 of the series crocodile dundee composed by:
Simon Wincer: regista
Production and Screenplay
Eric Abrams: sceneggiatore
Matthew Berry: sceneggiatore
Characters and Interpreters
mick "crocodile" dundee
Paul Hogan(età:61)
Sue Charlton

arnan rothman

milos drubnik

mickey dundee
Serge Cockburn(età:11)
nuggett o'cass
jean ferraro

Paul Rodriguez(età:46)
miss mathis
Kaitlin Hopkins(età:37)
milos drubnkik
nugget o'cass
Clare Carey(età:34)

Technical staff

Leslie Binns: scenografo
David Burr: direttore della fotografia
Terry Blythe: montatore
Voices and Dubbing
Version Italia(2001)

Luciano Turi Voice of Steve Rackman