Database of cinema, music, history and literature

La conquistatrice dell'Alhambra (1950)

Original title: cuentos de la alhambra
Production: UK, Spain|103 min| black and white
Poster of movie La conquistatrice dell'Alhambra
american writer washington inving travels to la alhambra de granada, visiting its moorish buildings and getting inspiration from the people he meets : mariquilla the gipsy, the soldier in love with her, bandoleers and local politicians.

Origin of the subject


Florian Reyregista

Production and Screenplay

Vicente Sempereproduttore esecutivo
Florian Reysceneggiatore
Fernando Alarcónsceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

José Isbert(età:64)
José Riesgo(età:31)
Manuel ArbòManuel Arbò(età:52)
Aníbal Vela(età:54)
Juan Vázquez(età:50)

Technical staff

Francisco Canetarredatore
Francisco Puyoltruccatore
Heinrich Gärtnerdirettore della fotografia