Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Da 0 a 10 (2002)

Original title: da 0 a 10
99 min
Poster of movie Da 0 a 10
the thirty-five years-old libero, biccio, giove and baygon return to rimini after twenty years where they did not end a weekend with four peers. in pursuit of their youth, they call their friends of the time (but one does not show up and another door, surprisingly, the girlfriend) and in forty-eight hours they try to make a wish come true. that for the blues freak jupiter is finally singing the only song that he managed to write in public. for the gay doctor biccio dressing up as mae west, for the sexooman baygon spending a night of wildness with three women. what he apparently has no desires is libero, which is the most tormented of the group: the years of his youth were irremediably marked by the massacre at the bologna station.

Festivals and awards


Luciano LigabueLuciano Ligabueregista

Production and Screenplay

Domenico ProcacciDomenico Procacciproduttore
Luciano LigabueLuciano Ligabuesceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

Stefania RiviStefania Rivi(età:24)
Stefano PesceStefano Pesce(età:35)
Dario OppidoDario Oppido(età:37)
Sergio RomanoSergio Romano(età:37)

Technical staff

Luciano LigabueLuciano Ligabuemusiche
Gherardo GossiGherardo Gossidirettore della fotografia
Marina Roberticostumista
Cristina Maglianotruccatore
Gianluca Basilitecnico del suono
Michele Vigliottaparrucchiere