Database of cinema, music, history and literature

damage (1992)

Original title: damage
Production: France, UK|111 min
Dramatic, Erotic, Romantic
Poster of movie damage
a member of parliament falls passionately in love with his son's fiancã©e despite the dangers of discovery.

Festivals and awards

Origin of the subject


Louis MalleLouis Malleregista

Production and Screenplay

Louis MalleLouis Malleproduttore
David HareDavid Haresceneggiatore
Simon Relphproduttore
Vincent Malleproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

stephen fleming
Jeremy IronsJeremy Irons(età:44)
anna barton
ingrid fleming
martyn fleming
Rupert GravesRupert Graves(età:29)
Rupert GravesRupert Graves(età:29)
edward lloyd
Ian BannenIan Bannen(età:64)
ministro inglese
Ian BannenIan Bannen(età:64)
peter wetzler
sally fleming
donald lyndsay
elizabeth prideaux
Leslie CaronLeslie Caron(età:61)
David ThewlisDavid Thewlis(età:29)
Louis MalleLouis Malle(età:60)
Jeff Nuttall(età:59)
Susan Engel(età:57)
Ray Gravell(età:41)

Technical staff

Peter Bizioudirettore della fotografia
Milena CanoneroMilena Canonerocostumista
Richard Earlscenografo
Brian Morrisscenografo
Betsy Pollockcasting
Jean Claude Laureuxtecnico del suono
Linda Devettatruccatore
Philippe Turlurearredatore
Patsy Pollockcasting
Paolo Mantiniparrucchiere
Louise Constadtruccatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1992)