Database of cinema, music, history and literature

dan in real life (2007)

Original title: dan in real life
Production: USA|98 min
Dramatic, Comedy, Romantic
Poster of movie dan in real life


Peter HedgesPeter Hedgesregista

Production and Screenplay

Peter HedgesPeter Hedgessceneggiatore
Pierce Gardnersceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

dan burns
Steve CarellSteve Carell(età:45)
mitch burns
Dane CookDane Cook(età:35)
dottoressa ruthie draper
Emily BluntEmily Blunt(età:24)
jane burns
Alison PillAlison Pill(età:22)
cara burns
lilly burns
nana burns
Dianne WiestDianne Wiest(età:59)
poppy burns
John MahoneyJohn Mahoney(età:67)
clay burns
eileen burns
Amy RyanAmy Ryan(età:38)
Jessica HechtJessica Hecht(età:42)
elliott burns
Lucas HedgesLucas Hedges(età:11)
Amy LandeckerAmy Landecker(età:38)
Cj AdamsCj Adams(età:7)

Technical staff

Sarah Flackmontatore
Lawrence Sherdirettore della fotografia
Sondre LercheSondre Lerchemusiche

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2007)