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Dangerous Child [filmTV] (2001)

Original title: dangerous child
Production: Canada|91 min| tv movie
Dramatic, Psychological
Poster of movie Dangerous Child [filmTV]
a divorced mother faces the bitter irony of being suspected of child abuse when in fact her own teen son is taking verbal and physical swipes at her.


Graeme Campbellregista

Production and Screenplay

Terry Gouldproduttore
Freyda Rothsteinproduttore esecutivo
Anne Carlucciproduttore
Deborah Wolshproduttore
Karen Stillmanscrittore

Interpreters and Characters

Asia VieiraAsia Vieira(età:19)
Vyto RuginisVyto Ruginis(età:45)
Delta BurkeDelta Burke(età:45)
Ryan MerrimanRyan Merriman(età:18)
Marc DonatoMarc Donato(età:12)
Barclay HopeBarclay Hope(età:43)
Paulino NunesPaulino Nunes(età:33)
Deborah OdellDeborah Odell(età:28)

Technical staff

Melanie Jenningscostumista
Elisa Goodmancasting
Abra Edelmancasting
Michael Schweitermontatore
Joan Chelltruccatore
Debi Drennantruccatore
Jon Comerfordcasting
Nikos Evdemondirettore della fotografia
Katarina Chovanecparrucchiere
Vlasta Svobodascenografo
Marlene Grahamarredatore