Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Dangerous Venture (1947)

Original title: dangerous venture
59 min| black and white
Dramatic, Action, Western
Poster of movie Dangerous Venture
This movie is episode 58 of the series Hopalong Cassidy composed by:


Production and Screenplay

Doris Schroedersceneggiatore
Lewis J. Rachmilproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Hopalong Cassidy
California Carlson
Lucky Jenkins
Sue Harmon
Kenneth TobeyKenneth Tobey(età:30)
Rand BrooksRand Brooks(età:29)
Neyle Morrow(età:33)
Harry CordingHarry Cording(età:56)
Douglas Evans(età:43)
Clem FullerClem Fuller(età:39)
Bill Nestell(età:54)

Technical staff

David ChudnowDavid Chudnowmusiche
Raoul Kraushaarmusiche
Mack Stenglerdirettore della fotografia
Fred W. Bergermontatore
Harvey T. gillettscenografo
George Mitchellarredatore