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dark blue (2002)

Original title: dark blue
Production: Germany, USA|118 min|
Action, Thriller, Dramatic
in a court the fate of some white policemen accused of deliberately beating a black criminal during the arrest must be decided. in the city the tension is at its maximum for what may be yet another racist injustice. within the same police body, the clash between whites and blacks becomes inevitable.


Ron SheltonRon Sheltonregista

Production and Screenplay

James EllroyJames Ellroysceneggiatore
David AyerDavid Ayersceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

jack van meter
Eldon Perry
Kurt RussellKurt Russell(età:51)
Arthur Holland
Ving RhamesVing Rhames(età:43)
gary sidwell
Dash MihokDash Mihok(età:28)
darryl orchard
Bobby Keough
janelle holland
Beth Williamson
james barcomb
sally perry
ballerina asiatica
Kaila YuKaila Yu(età:23)
Graham BeckelGraham Beckel(età:53)
Rick GonzalezRick Gonzalez(età:23)
Evan JonesEvan Jones(età:26)
Marin HinkleMarin Hinkle(età:36)
Master PMaster P(età:35)

Technical staff

Paul Seydormontatore
David AyerDavid Ayerdirettore della fotografia
Barry Petersondirettore della fotografia
Patrick Flannerymontatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2002)