Database of cinema, music, history and literature

I misteri di villa Sabrini [filmTV] (2012)

Original title: das geheimnis der villa sabrini
Production: Germany, Italy, USA|89 min| tv movie
Thriller, Dramatic, Crime
Poster of movie I misteri di villa Sabrini [filmTV]
susanne works for an auction company, and founds out that a painting that they have been charged to sell is a copy. so she goes to florence, where the expert that made the valuation lives, and meets with the owner.


Marco Serafiniregista

Production and Screenplay

Susanne Hertelsceneggiatore
Carlo Macchitellaproduttore
Stefania Balduiniproduttore
Thilo Kleineproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Michael MendlMichael Mendl(età:68)
Armin RohdeArmin Rohde(età:57)
Rufus Beck(età:55)
Paolo RicciPaolo Ricci(età:40)
René IfrahRené Ifrah(età:34)

Technical staff

Stefania Santinellitruccatore
Patrizio Patrizidirettore della fotografia
Francesca PassadoreFrancesca Passadorescenografo