Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Memory of a Killer (2003)

Original title: de zaak alzheimer
Production: Belgium|123 min
Dramatic, Action, Thriller
Poster of movie The Memory of a Killer
vincke and verstuyft are the best detectives of the antwerp police department. they are confronted with the murder on a leading executive and put all their effort to catch the murderer.

Festivals and awards

Origin of the subject


Erik Van looyErik Van looyregista

Production and Screenplay

Carl Joossceneggiatore
Erik Van looyErik Van looysceneggiatore
Erik Van looyErik Van looyscrittore
Erwin Provoostproduttore
Sjef Scholteproduttore
Hilde De laereproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Hilde De BaerdemaekerHilde De Baerdemaeker(età:25)
(linda de leenheer)
Filip PeetersFilip Peeters(età:41)
(maggiore de keyser)
Johan Van Assche
(comm. françois van parys)
Tom Van dyckTom Van dyck(età:31)
(jean de haeck)
Koen De bouw(età:39)
(eric vincke)
Werner De smedt(età:33)
(freddy verstuyft)
Jan Decleir(età:57)
(angelo ledda)
Jo De Meyere(età:64)
(barone henri gustave de haeck)
Vic De Wachter(età:52)
(dr joseph vlerick)
Jappe Claes(età:51)
Gene Bervoets(età:47)
Tom WaesTom Waes(età:35)
Cela Yildiz(età:29)

Technical staff

Stephen Warbeckmusiche
Danny Elsendirettore della fotografia
Yoohan Leyssensmontatore
Philippe Ravoetmontatore
Johan Van Esschescenografo
Hendrik Van Ketsscenografo
Hendrik Van Ketsarredatore
Gerda van Hooftruccatore
Gunter Schmidcasting
Esther De goeytruccatore
Kristin Van passelcostumista