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Deadline: Madrid [filmTV] (1987)

Original title: deadline: madrid
Production: USA|90 min| tv movie
Dramatic, Thriller
Poster of movie Deadline: Madrid [filmTV]


Production and Screenplay

Karen Harrisproduttore esecutivo

Characters and Interpreters

Andrew Rubin(età:41)
Marina Saura(età:30)
Miriam ColonMiriam Colon(età:51)
Joe SantosJoe Santos(età:56)
Leigh LawsonLeigh Lawson(età:42)
Paul McCranePaul McCrane(età:26)
George HarrisGeorge Harris(età:38)
Marta DuboisMarta Dubois(età:35)
Brynn ThayerBrynn Thayer(età:38)

Technical staff

Alejandro UlloaAlejandro Ulloadirettore della fotografia
Larry CarltonLarry Carltonmusiche