Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Jet Lag (2002)

Original title: décalage horaire
91 min
Poster of movie Jet Lag
a worn-out businessman and a beautician on the run collide in a paris airport. love arrives, all its hurdles be damned.

Festivals and awards


Production and Screenplay

Christopher Thompsonsceneggiatore
Danielle ThompsonDanielle Thompsonsceneggiatore
Alain SardeAlain Sardeproduttore
Christine Gozlanproduttore esecutivo

Characters and Interpreters

Jean RenoJean Reno(età:54)
Karine Belly(età:31)
Larry KingLarry King(età:69)
Sergi LopezSergi Lopez(età:37)

Technical staff

Sylvie Landramontatore
Patrick Blossierdirettore della fotografia
Elisabeth Taverniercostumista
Eric SerraEric Serramusiche
Georges Klotzmontatore
Aurora Bergeretruccatore
Karina Gruaistruccatore
Agathe Moroparrucchiere
Patrice Ivaparrucchiere

Voices and Dubbing