Database of cinema, music, history and literature

decision before dawn (1951)

Original title: decision before dawn
Production: USA|119 min| black and white|
Thriller, Action, Spying

Festivals and awards

Oscar 1952 - nomination Best Editing
Assigned to: Dorothy Spencer


Anatole Litvakregista

Production and Screenplay

Anatole Litvakproduttore
Frank Mccarthyproduttore
Peter ViertelPeter Viertelsceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Richard BasehartRichard Basehart(età:37)
(tenente Rennick)
Oskar WernerOskar Werner(età:29)
(Maurer, tedesco)
Hans Christian BlechHans Christian Blech(età:36)
('il tigre', tedesco)
Hildegard KnefHildegard Knef(età:26)
(hildegard knef)
Dominique Blanchar(età:24)
(dominique blanchar)
O.e. HasseO.e. Hasse(età:48)
(o.e. hasse)
Wilfried Seyferth(età:43)
(wilfried seyferth)
Klaus KinskiKlaus Kinski(età:25)

Technical staff

Franz WaxmanFranz Waxmanmusiche
Dorothy SpencerDorothy Spencermontatore
Franz PlanerFranz Planerdirettore della fotografia
Ludwig Reiberscenografo

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1951)