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definitely, maybe (2008)

Original title: definitely, maybe
Production: France, Germany, UK, USA|112 min
Dramatic, Comedy, Romantic
Poster of movie definitely, maybe
a political consultant tries to explain his impending divorce and past relationships to his 11-year-old daughter.


Adam BrooksAdam Brooksregista

Production and Screenplay

Adam BrooksAdam Brookssceneggiatore
Adam BrooksAdam Brooksscrittore
Tim BevanTim Bevanproduttore
Eric Fellnerproduttore
Kerry Orentproduttore esecutivo
Bobby Cohenproduttore esecutivo
Liza ChasinLiza Chasinproduttore esecutivo

Interpreters and Characters

Ryan ReynoldsRyan Reynolds(età:32)
(will hayes)
Abigail BreslinAbigail Breslin(età:12)
(maya hayes)
Elizabeth BanksElizabeth Banks(età:34)
(emily jones)
Isla FisherIsla Fisher(età:32)
(april hoffman)
Rachel WeiszRachel Weisz(età:38)
(summer hartley)
Kevin KlineKevin Kline(età:61)
(hampton roth)
Derek LukeDerek Luke(età:34)
(russell mccormack)
Adam FerraraAdam Ferrara(età:42)
Annie ParisseAnnie Parisse(età:33)
Liane BalabanLiane Balaban(età:28)
Nestor SerranoNestor Serrano(età:52)
(arthur robredo)
Daniel eric GoldDaniel eric Gold(età:33)
Kevin CorriganKevin Corrigan(età:39)
Jaime TirelliJaime Tirelli(età:63)
Robert KleinRobert Klein(età:66)
Adam BrooksAdam Brooks(età:52)
Max PomerancMax Pomeranc(età:24)
Dana EskelsonDana Eskelson(età:43)
Bill ClintonBill Clinton(età:62)
Pauline GaronPauline Garon(età:110)
Tom BrokawTom Brokaw(età:68)
Ryann ShaneRyann Shane(età:15)
Leif RiddellLeif Riddell(età:44)
Bob Wiltfong(età:39)

Technical staff

Peter Teschnermontatore
Gary Jonescostumista
Clint MansellClint Mansellmusiche
Laura Rosenthalcasting
Stephanie Carrollscenografo
Ali Farrellcasting
Ellen Christiansenarredatore
Florian Ballhausdirettore della fotografia
Peter Rognessscenografo
Kerrie Smithparrucchiere
Mandy Lyonsparrucchiere
Nuria Sitjatruccatore
Chris Binghamtruccatore
Anna Hiltonparrucchiere

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2008)

Music tracks of the soundtrack