Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Death Takes a Curtain Call (1984)

Original title: death takes a curtain call
Production: USA|47 min| tv series
Dramatic, Mystery, Crime
two soviet ballet dancers on tour in the states are wanted following the murder of a man backstage during their debut performance.


Allen Reisnerregista

Production and Screenplay

Robert VanscoykRobert Vanscoykscrittore
Peter S.fischerproduttore esecutivo
Norberto Felliproduttore
Paul W. cooperscrittore
Mike Stevensproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Tom BosleyTom Bosley(età:57)
Dane ClarkDane Clark(età:71)
Hurd HatfieldHurd Hatfield(età:67)
Claude AkinsClaude Akins(età:58)
Dalton TrumboDalton Trumbo(età:79)
Read MorganRead Morgan(età:53)
Paul Rudd(età:44)
Gary Bohn(età:55)

Technical staff

ManRon Stephensoncasting
Susan Zietlow-maustparrucchiere
J. Allen highfillcostumista
Dennis Dalzelldirettore della fotografia
William H. tuntkescenografo
Frank Lombardoarredatore
Michael j. Lynchmontatore