Database of cinema, music, history and literature

detective story (1951)

Original title: detective story
Production: USA|103 min| black and white|
Dramatic, Psychological

Festivals and awards


William WylerWilliam Wylerregista

Production and Screenplay

Robert Wylersceneggiatore
Philip Yordansceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Kirk DouglasKirk Douglas(età:35)
(Jim McLeod, ispettore)
Eleanor ParkerEleanor Parker(età:29)
Cathy O'donnellCathy O'donnell(età:28)
(cathy o'donnell)
George McreadyGeorge Mcready(età:52)
(george macready)
Horace McmahonHorace Mcmahon(età:45)
(horace mcmahon)
Gladys George(età:51)
(gladys george)
Joseph Wiseman(età:33)
(joseph wiseman)
Lee GrantLee Grant(età:26)
(lee grant)
Gerald MohrGerald Mohr(età:37)
(gerald mohr)
Frank FaylenFrank Faylen(età:46)
(frank faylen)
Craig Hill(età:25)
(craig hill)
Michael Strong(età:33)
(michael strong)
Luis Van rootenLuis Van rooten(età:45)
(luis van rooten)
Bert FreedBert Freed(età:32)
(bert freed)
Warner Anderson(età:40)
(warner anderson)
Grandon RhodesGrandon Rhodes(età:47)
(grandon rhodes)
William 'bill' phillipsWilliam 'bill' phillips(età:43)
(william 'bill' phillips)
Russell Evans
(russell evans)
Catherine DoucetCatherine Doucet(età:76)
(catherine doucet)
ManMike Mahoney(età:33)
(mike mahoney)
James Maloney(età:36)
(james maloney)
Ralph MontgomeryRalph Montgomery(età:40)
(ralph montgomery)
Burt MustinBurt Mustin(età:67)
(burt mustin)
Mark RobertsMark Roberts
(mark roberts)

Technical staff

Miklos RozsaMiklos Rozsamusiche
Victor YoungVictor Youngmusiche
Lee GarmesLee Garmesdirettore della fotografia
John F.seitzJohn F.seitzdirettore della fotografia
Edith HeadEdith Headcostumista
Emile KuriEmile Kuriscenografo
Hal PereiraHal Pereirascenografo
Wally WestmoreWally Westmoretruccatore
William Woodstruccatore
Del Armstrongtruccatore
Robert Swinkmontatore
A. Earl HedrickA. Earl Hedrickscenografo
Lavaughn Speertruccatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1951)