diary of a wimpy kid - the long haul (2017)
Original title: diary of a wimpy kid - the long haul
Production: USA|91 min
Comedy, Comic
This movie is episode 4 of the series diary of a wimpy kid composed by:
Origin of the subject
dal libro: diary of a wimpy kid: the long haul (2014)
David Bowers: regista
Production and Screenplay
David Bowers: sceneggiatore
Adam Sztykiel: sceneggiatore
Jeff Kinney: sceneggiatore
Characters and Interpreters
greg heffley
susan heffley
Alicia Silverstone(età:41)
frank heffley
Tom Everett Scott(età:47)
rodrick heffley
manny heffley (alcune scene)
manny heffley (altre scene)
mac digby
mr. beardo
brandi beardo
rowley jefferson
sig. beardo/ brandi beardo
Technical staff
Edward Shearmur: musiche
Tony Richmond: direttore della fotografia
Troy Takaki: montatore
Anthony B. Richmond: direttore della fotografia
Voices and Dubbing
Version Italia(2017)
Simone Crisari Voice of Joshua Hoover
Federico Campaiola Voice of Charlie Wright
Giulio Bartolomei Voice of Jason Drucker
Stefano Thermes Voice of sig. beardo/ brandi beardo
Luca De ambrosis Voice of rowley jefferson
Rossella Acerbo Voice of Alicia Silverstone
Charlotte Infussi Voice of Manny
Simone Mori Voice of Tom Everett Scott