Database of cinema, music, history and literature

die another day (2002)

Original title: die another day
Production: UK, USA|133 min|
Action, Adventure, Spying
Poster of movie die another day
the british secret agent is sent on a mission to foil the crazy plan of domination of a new enemy: the north korean general zao, intent on conquering the world using an experimental device that allows him to change his identity by changing the features of his face. on his way he crosses jinx and miranda, two women whose destiny has played a crucial role.
This movie is episode 20 of the series 007 composed by:

Festivals and awards


Lee TamahoriLee Tamahoriregista

Production and Screenplay

Robert Wadesceneggiatore
Neal PurvisNeal Purvissceneggiatore
Michael G. wilsonMichael G. wilsonproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Michael MadsenMichael Madsen(età:45)
(damian falco)
Halle BerryHalle Berry(età:34)
Toby StephensToby Stephens(età:33)
(Gustav Graves)
Emilio Echevarria(età:58)
Samantha BondSamantha Bond(età:41)
Rosamund PikeRosamund Pike(età:23)
(Miranda Frost)
Rick YuneRick Yune(età:31)
Will Yun LeeWill Yun Lee(età:31)
(colonnello tan-sun moon)
Kenneth TsangKenneth Tsang(età:67)
(generale moon)
Judi DenchJudi Dench(età:68)
Madonna (cantante)Madonna (cantante)(età:44)
Colin SalmonColin Salmon(età:40)
(charles robinson)
John CleeseJohn Cleese(età:63)
colonnello tai-sun moon
Deborah Moore(età:39)
James LewJames Lew(età:50)

Technical staff

David ArnoldDavid Arnoldmusiche
Christian Wagnermontatore
Peter LamontPeter Lamontscenografo
David TattersallDavid Tattersalldirettore della fotografia
Paul Engelentruccatore
Paul OakenfoldPaul Oakenfoldmusiche
Hamming Lindycostumista
Monty NormanMonty Normanmusiche

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2002)

Nanni BaldiniNanni Baldini Voice of colonnello tai-sun moon
Chiara ColizziChiara Colizzi Voice of Jinx
Laura BoccaneraLaura Boccanera Voice of Miss Moneypenny

Music tracks of the soundtrack