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dieci uomini coraggiosi (1960)

Original title: ten who dared
Production: USA|92 min| |


Production and Screenplay

James Algarsceneggiatore
Lawrence Edward Watkinsceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

bill dunn
Brian KeithBrian Keith(età:39)
george bladley
Ben JohnsonBen Johnson(età:42)
john wesley powell
John   I BealJohn I Beal(età:51)
walter powell
James DruryJames Drury(età:26)
jim baker
Roy BarcroftRoy Barcroft(età:58)
missouri hawkins
L.Q. JonesL.Q. Jones(età:33)
oramel howland
john beal
james drury
brian keith
r.g. armstrong
roy barcroft
Dan SheridanDan Sheridan(età:44)

Technical staff

Gordon Avildirettore della fotografia
Pat Mcnalleytruccatore
ManNorman Palmermontatore
Oliver WallaceOliver Wallacemusiche

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1960)

Renzo StacchiRenzo Stacchi Voice of brian keith
Gianni Musy GloriGianni Musy Glori Voice of r.g. armstrong
Romano MalaspinaRomano Malaspina Voice of john beal
Riccardo GarroneRiccardo Garrone Voice of roy barcroft
Massimo Gentile Voice of james drury