Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Dilili in Paris (2018)

Original title: dilili à paris
Production: Belgium, France, Germany
Comedy, Animation, Mystery
Poster of movie Dilili in Paris
in belle époque paris, accompanied by a young scooter deliveryman, little kanak dilili investigates mysterious kidnappings of girls. she meets extraordinary men and women who give her clues. she discovered underground very particular villains, male masters. the two friends will fight with enthusiasm for an active life in the light and living together.

Festivals and awards


Michel OcelotMichel Ocelotregista

Production and Screenplay

Patrick Quinetproduttore
Michel OcelotMichel Ocelotscrittore
Arlette Zylberbergproduttore
Vincent Maravalproduttore
Valeria GraciValeria Graciproduttore
Philip Boëffardproduttore
Philippe Logieproduttore
Brahim Chiouaproduttore
Olivier Pèreproduttore
Rémi Burahproduttore
Reik Möllerproduttore
Sonja Ewersproduttore
Rodolphe Chabrierproduttore
Philippe Sonrierproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

emma calvé
lebeuf / pasteur / les frã¨res lumiã¨re / egoutier
louise michel
prince de galles
santos dumont / reynaldo hahn / ravel
eve et irã¨ne curie

Technical staff

Gabriel YaredGabriel Yaredmusiche
David Bertrandcasting
Patrick Ducruetmontatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2018)

Angiola BaggiAngiola Baggi Voice of louise michel
Emanuela RossiEmanuela Rossi Voice of Marie Curie
Alberto Franco Voice of orel
Chiara FabianoChiara Fabiano Voice of dililì

Version Originale(2018)

Natalie Dessay Voice of emma calvé