Database of cinema, music, history and literature

dillinger (1973)

Original title: dillinger
Production: USA|107 min| black and white
Dramatic, Action, Crime
Poster of movie dillinger
john dillinger and his gang go on a bank robbing spree across the midwest, but one g-man is determined to bring him down.

Festivals and awards


John MiliusJohn Miliusregista

Production and Screenplay

John MiliusJohn Miliussceneggiatore
John MiliusJohn Miliusscrittore
Buzz Feitshansproduttore
Lawrence Gordonproduttore
Samuel Z. Arkoffproduttore esecutivo
Robert A. papazianproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

anna sage
baby face nelson
billie frechette
homer van meter
john dillinger
Warren OatesWarren Oates(età:45)
melvin purvis
Ben JohnsonBen Johnson(età:55)
pretty boy floyd
Steve KanalySteve Kanaly(età:27)
big jim wollard
Read MorganRead Morgan(età:42)
charles mackley
eddie martin
John Martino(età:36)
harry pierpont
machine gun kelly
reed youngblood
Frank McraeFrank Mcrae(età:31)
samuel cowley
Roy JensonRoy Jenson(età:46)
charles arthur floyd
Jerry Summers(età:42)

Technical staff

Trevor Williamsscenografo
Charles Piercearredatore
Fred RoosFred Rooscasting
ManMike Fentoncasting
Tom Ellingwoodtruccatore
Barry De vorzonmusiche
Jules Brennerdirettore della fotografia

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1973)

Cesare BarbettiCesare Barbetti Voice of charles arthur floyd