Database of cinema, music, history and literature

dirty 30 (2016)

Original title: dirty 30
Production: USA|86 min
Poster of movie dirty 30
when the party is on, it is off the hook! kate has only a few days to turn her life around before she turns dirty 30, but with three besties and zero rules, anything is possible!


Andrew Bushregista

Production and Screenplay

Mamrie Hartsceneggiatore
Molly Prathersceneggiatore
Michael Goldfineproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Flula Borg(età:34)
Kelen ColemanKelen Coleman(età:32)
Grace HelbigGrace Helbig(età:31)
Anna AkanaAnna Akana(età:27)
Mamrie Hart(età:33)
Hannah Hart(età:30)
Annie SertichAnnie Sertich(età:42)
Betsy RandleBetsy Randle(età:66)

Technical staff

Maria Dirolfscenografo
Brett W. Bachmanmontatore
Taschi Lynelltruccatore
Tayler Berezparrucchiere
Lauren Bencomoparrucchiere
Bonnie Bacevichscenografo

Music tracks of the soundtrack