Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Doctor Sleep (2019)

Original title: doctor sleep
Production: USA|151 min
Horror, Thriller
Poster of movie Doctor Sleep
years following the events of "the shining," a now-adult dan torrance meets a young girl with similar powers as he tries to protect her from a cult known as the true knot who prey on children with powers to remain immortal.
This movie is episode 2 of the series Shining composed by:

Festivals and awards

Origin of the subject


Mike FlanaganMike Flanaganregista

Production and Screenplay

Stephen KingStephen Kingproduttore esecutivo
Akiva GoldsmanAkiva Goldsmanproduttore esecutivo
Kevin Mccormickproduttore esecutivo
Roy Leeproduttore esecutivo
Philip Waleyproduttore
Mike FlanaganMike Flanagansceneggiatore
D. scott Lumpkinproduttore esecutivo
Jon Bergproduttore
Trevor Macyproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Jocelin Donahue(età:38)
Alex EssoeAlex Essoe(età:27)
(Wendy Torrance)
Carl LumblyCarl Lumbly(età:68)
(dick hallorann)
Ewan McGregorEwan McGregor(età:48)
(dan torrance)
Bruce GreenwoodBruce Greenwood(età:63)
(dottor john dalton)
Emily Alyn lindEmily Alyn lind(età:17)
(snakebite andi)
Carel StruyckenCarel Struycken(età:71)
(grandpa. flick)
Zahn McClarnonZahn McClarnon(età:53)
(crow daddy)
Cliff CurtisCliff Curtis(età:51)
(billy freeman)
Kyliegh CurranKyliegh Curran(età:14)
(abra stone)
Jacob TremblayJacob Tremblay(età:13)
(danny torrance bambino)
Rebecca FergusonRebecca Ferguson(età:36)
(rose cilindro)
Danny LloydDanny Lloyd(età:47)
Scott Neal(età:41)
Marc DemeterMarc Demeter(età:47)
Luis Sanchez(età:31)

Technical staff

Gene Serdenaarredatore
Robert KurtzmanRobert Kurtzmantruccatore
Maher Ahmadscenografo
Anne Mccarthycasting
Austin Gorgscenografo
Karen Lovellparrucchiere
Bernadette Mazurtruccatore
Michael Fimognaridirettore della fotografia
Terry Andersoncostumista
Mike FlanaganMike Flanaganmontatore
Patricio M. Farrellscenografo
Elizabeth Bollerscenografo
Rita Parilloparrucchiere
Kellie Roycasting
Greg Mcdougalltruccatore
Andrea Edgeparrucchiere
Staci Witttruccatore
Marcia Kingtruccatore
Giancarlo Brajdictruccatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2019)