Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Dog Days (2001)

Original title: hundstage
121 min
Poster of movie Dog Days
in a weekend in which the heat goes crazy even in the usually more temperate vienna, a group of characters from the anonymous periphery gives the worst of themselves: crazy and intrusive hitchhikers, couples forced to live together, old petulants, violent young people, some sexual perversion lived in the squalor.

Festivals and awards


Ulrich SeidlUlrich Seidlregista

Production and Screenplay

Ulrich SeidlUlrich Seidlsceneggiatore
Veronika FranzVeronika Franzsceneggiatore
Helmut Grasserproduttore
Philippe Boberproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

padrone di casa

Technical staff

Wolfgang Thalerdirettore della fotografia
Susanne Neidharttruccatore
Andreas Donhauserscenografo
Renate Martinscenografo
Sabine Volzcostumista
Andrea Wagnermontatore
Thomas Neumannmusiche
Eva Rothcasting
Michaela Payertruccatore