Database of cinema, music, history and literature

donnie darko (2001)

Original title: donnie darko
Production: USA|113 min
Science fiction, Dramatic, Thriller
Poster of movie donnie darko
donnie darko took his medication, watched the presidential debate on television and dined with his family. then there is a terrifying accident: inexplicably the engine of an airplane falls from the sky, crashing into darko's house and destroying donnie's room. following the incident that nearly cost him his life, donnie experiences a heightened sense of what it means to be alive.
This movie is episode 1 of the series donnie darko composed by:


Richard KellyRichard Kellyregista

Production and Screenplay

Richard KellyRichard Kellysceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

Donnie Darko
karen pomeroy
Gretchen Ross
Jena MaloneJena Malone(età:17)
elizabeth darko
Prof. Kenneth Monnitoff
Noah WyleNoah Wyle(età:30)
samantha darko
Daveigh ChaseDaveigh Chase(età:11)
dott.ssa lilian thurman
Jim Cunningham
Eddie Darko
Rose Darko
James DuvalJames Duval(età:28)
dottor Fisher
Arthur TaxierArthur Taxier(età:50)
Bob Garland
Joanie James
Beth GrantBeth Grant(età:52)
Lee WeaverLee Weaver(età:71)
Fran KranzFran Kranz(età:20)
Tom Tangen(età:40)
Jolene PurdyJolene Purdy(età:18)
Stuart StoneStuart Stone(età:21)
Seth RogenSeth Rogen(età:19)

Technical staff

April Ferrycostumista
Lynn Barbertruccatore
Dorinda Careytruccatore
Alec Hammondscenografo
Sam Bauermontatore
Eric Strandmontatore
Michelle Morriscasting
Jennie Harrisscenografo
Steven B. Posterdirettore della fotografia
Leslie Devlintruccatore
Lori Mccoy-belltruccatore
Kimberly Greenetruccatore
Barbara Olveratruccatore
Cammy R. langertruccatore
Dale Bradytruccatore
Isabel Harkinstruccatore
Merribelle Andersontruccatore
Steven Posterdirettore della fotografia
Michael Andrewsmusiche

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2001)

Music tracks of the soundtrack