Database of cinema, music, history and literature

condannato a morte (1940)

Original title: doomed to die
Production: USA|68 min| black and white|


William NighWilliam Nighregista
William Nyeregista

Production and Screenplay

Ralph Gilbert bettisonsceneggiatore
Michael Jacobysceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

mister Wong
Boris KarloffBoris Karloff(età:53)
capitano Street
Grant WithersGrant Withers(età:36)
marjorie reynolds
william stelling
catherine craig
guy usher
Guy Usher(età:57)
henry brandon
melvin lang
Melvin Lang(età:46)
wilbur mack
Wilbur MackWilbur Mack(età:67)
kenneth harlan
richard loo
Richard LooRichard Loo(età:37)
tristram coffin
mike donovan
Mike Donovan(età:62)
gibson gowland
maxine leslie
moy ming
Moy Ming(età:77)
angelo rossitto
bill willmering

Technical staff

Harry Neumanndirettore della fotografia
Gordon BauGordon Bautruccatore
ManRobert Goldenmontatore

Voices and Dubbing