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doomsday gun [filmTV] (1994)

Original title: doomsday gun
Production: UK, USA|120 min| tv movie
Thriller, Action, Dramatic
Poster of movie doomsday gun [filmTV]
how the brilliant canadian munitions engineer, dr. gerald bull, agreed to build a super-gun for saddam hussein in 1988, when the u.s. cut his funding for the experiment, and how it attracted the attention of several intelligence agencies.


Production and Screenplay

Walter BernsteinWalter Bernsteinsceneggiatore
Walter BernsteinWalter Bernsteinscrittore
Lionel ChetwyndLionel Chetwyndsceneggiatore
Lionel ChetwyndLionel Chetwyndscrittore
Michael Bakerproduttore
Colin Callenderproduttore esecutivo
Elaine Sperberproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Alan ArkinAlan Arkin(età:60)
James FoxJames Fox(età:55)
Kevin SpaceyKevin Spacey(età:35)
Rupert GravesRupert Graves(età:31)
Zia MohyeddinZia Mohyeddin(età:63)
Roger Hammond(età:58)
Murray MelvinMurray Melvin(età:62)
Clive OwenClive Owen(età:30)
David Healy(età:62)
Tony GoldwynTony Goldwyn(età:34)
Al GoreAl Gore(età:46)
Mark Ryan(età:38)
Aharon IpaleAharon Ipale(età:53)
Andreas Jung(età:34)

Technical staff

Peter Youngarredatore
Richard Harveymusiche
Tariq AnwarTariq Anwarmontatore
Mary Colquhouncasting
Tiny Nichollscostumista
Kate Dowdcasting
Sarah Loveparrucchiere
ManIan Wilsondirettore della fotografia
Terry Ackland-snowTerry Ackland-snowscenografo
Beth Charkhamcasting