Database of cinema, music, history and literature

dr. crathern's experiment (1913)

Original title: dr. crathern's experiment
Production: USA| |


Van Dyke brookeVan Dyke brookeregista

Production and Screenplay

ManW.a. Tremaynesceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Ned FinleyNed Finley(età:43)
(dottor crathern)
Beatrice Mckay
(hope, ragazza cieca)
Kate PriceKate Price(età:41)
(mrs. marly, la zia di hope)
Van Dyke brookeVan Dyke brooke(età:54)
(van dyke brooke)
E.r. Phillips
((edwin r. phillips))
Florence Ashbrooke
(florence ashbrooke)
Richard Leslie
(richard leslie)
ManW.a. Tremayne(età:49)