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dragonheart 3: the sorcerer's curse (2015)

Original title: dragonheart 3: the sorcerer's curse
Production: USA|98 min
Action, Fantasy, Adventure
Poster of movie dragonheart 3: the sorcerer's curse
a young knight and a dragon named drago, whose lives there now share with one heart, joins forces to protect a nest filled with dragon eggs from an evil sorcerer and undo a curse placed on drago as well.
This movie is episode 3 of the series dragonheart composed by:


Colin Teagueregista

Production and Screenplay

Hester Hargettproduttore
Matthew Feitshansproduttore
Matthew Feitshanssceneggiatore
Lisa Goodingproduttore esecutivo
Bogdan Monceaproduttore
Gary Oldroydproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Ben KingsleyBen Kingsley(età:72)
Julian MorrisJulian Morris(età:32)
Christopher FairbankChristopher Fairbank(età:62)
Vlad Radescu(età:63)
Jake Curran
Tamzin MerchantTamzin Merchant(età:28)
Dominic MafhamDominic Mafham(età:47)
(sir horsa)
Ozama Oancea
Harry Lister SmithHarry Lister Smith(età:27)
Jassa AhluwaliaJassa Ahluwalia(età:25)
Jonjo O'Neill(età:37)
Edouard Philipponat
(squire edouard)
Serban CeleaSerban Celea(età:63)
(sir wulfric)
Duncan Preston(età:69)

Technical staff

Oana Paunescucostumista
Eric Strandmontatore
Mark Mckenziemusiche
David Lutherdirettore della fotografia
Andreea Popascenografo
Fiona Colbeckmontatore
Gillian Hawsercasting
Gabi Cretantruccatore
Alexandra Barladeanuparrucchiere
Dan Toaderscenografo
Charlene Shortmontatore
Simona Ungureanuparrucchiere
Oana Marinescuarredatore
Irina Selesitruccatore
Laura Grosucasting
Bogdan Lazarparrucchiere

Voices and Dubbing