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dragonheart: a new beginning (2000)

Original title: dragonheart: a new beginning
Production: USA|84 min
Action, Comedy, Adventure
Poster of movie dragonheart: a new beginning
an orphaned stable boy befriends with a young dragon named drake and with the help of others help him learn how to fly and fight and protect himself from a ruthless knight.
This movie is episode 2 of the series dragonheart composed by:


Doug LeflerDoug Leflerregista

Production and Screenplay

Hester Hargettproduttore esecutivo
Shari GoodhartzShari Goodhartzsceneggiatore
Shari GoodhartzShari Goodhartzscrittore

Characters and Interpreters

lord osric di crossley / griffin (voce)
Rona FigueroaRona Figueroa(età:28)
Tom BurkeTom Burke(età:19)
maestro kwan
Henry O(età:73)
fratello peter
John WoodnuttJohn Woodnutt(età:76)
older mansel
Peter Hric(età:40)
Lubomir Misak(età:32)
Vlado Durdík(età:51)

Technical staff

Jeffery Passerocasting
Giorgio Desidericostumista
Giorgio Postiglionescenografo
Alberto Tostoarredatore
Buzz Feitshans ivBuzz Feitshans ivdirettore della fotografia
Mark Mckenziemusiche
Angelo Vannellaparrucchiere
John M. taylormontatore
Ján Svobodascenografo
Blazena Dollingerovaparrucchiere

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2000)

Nanni BaldiniNanni Baldini Voice of Drake

Version Originale(2000)

Robby BensonRobby Benson Voice of Drake