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dragonheart: battle for the heartfire (2017)

Original title: dragonheart: battle for the heartfire
Production: USA|98 min
Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Poster of movie dragonheart: battle for the heartfire
a dragon known as drago tries to end the rivalry between a brother and sister, both having dragon-like powers, who are after the throne of their grandfather, while a new threat steals drago's source of power.
This movie is episode 4 of the series dragonheart composed by:


Patrik Syversenregista

Production and Screenplay

Hester Hargettproduttore
Matthew Feitshansproduttore
Matthew Feitshanssceneggiatore
Bogdan Monceaproduttore
Share Stallingsproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

earl robert
regina rhonu

Technical staff

Oana Paunescucostumista
Mark Mckenziemusiche
Iulia Roseanutruccatore
Gillian Hawsercasting
Alexandra Barladeanuparrucchiere
Mariana Andreescutruccatore
Dan Toaderscenografo
Alina Pentacarredatore
Charles Norrismontatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Originale(2017)

Patrick StewartPatrick Stewart Voice of Drago