Database of cinema, music, history and literature

dysfunktional family (2003)

Original title: dysfunktional family
Production: USA
Comedy, Documentary
Poster of movie dysfunktional family
documentary on comedian eddie griffin who heads back home to a family reunion, which includes two uncles - one a porn director and the other an ex-pimp.


George Galloregista

Production and Screenplay

Jeff Levineproduttore
David Permutproduttore
Eddie GriffinEddie Griffinproduttore
Eddie GriffinEddie Griffinsceneggiatore
Eddie GriffinEddie Griffinscrittore
Stevie Longproduttore
Paul Brooksproduttore
Scott Niemeyerproduttore esecutivo

Interpreters and Characters

Eddie GriffinEddie Griffin(età:35)
ManMatthew Brent(età:27)
Robert Noble(età:53)

Technical staff

Michael R. millermontatore
Theo Van de sandeTheo Van de sandedirettore della fotografia
Bret Mayoparrucchiere
Andrew Grossmusiche

Music tracks of the soundtrack