Database of cinema, music, history and literature

each pearl a tear (1916)

Original title: each pearl a tear
Production: USA|50 min| |


George MelfordGeorge Melfordregista
C.h. Mitchellregista

Production and Screenplay

Beatrice DemilleBeatrice Demillesceneggiatore
Leighton Osmunsceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

diane winston
Fannie WardFannie Ward(età:45)
pul lorillard
Charles ClaryCharles Clary(età:43)
john clarke
Jack Dean(età:42)
roger winston
Paul Weigel(età:49)
mrs. van sant
Jane WolfeJane Wolfe(età:41)
ben alexander

Technical staff

Percy Hilburndirettore della fotografia