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Eaten Alive (1977)

Original title: eaten alive
Production: USA|91 min
Horror, Thriller, Fantasy
Poster of movie Eaten Alive
a psychotic redneck, who owns a dilapidated hotel in rural east texas, kills various people who upset him or his business, and he feeds their bodies to a large crocodile that he keeps as a pet in the swamp beside his hotel.


Tobe HooperTobe Hooperregista

Production and Screenplay

Kim HenkelKim Henkelsceneggiatore
Alvin L. fastproduttore
Alvin L. fastsceneggiatore
Alvin L. fastscrittore
Mardi Rustamproduttore
Mardi Rustamsceneggiatore
Mardi Rustamscrittore

Interpreters and Characters

Neville BrandNeville Brand(età:57)
Mel FerrerMel Ferrer(età:60)
(harvey wood)
Carolyn JonesCarolyn Jones(età:48)
(miss hattie)
Stuart WhitmanStuart Whitman(età:49)
(sceriffo Martin)
Marilyn BurnsMarilyn Burns(età:28)
William FinleyWilliam Finley(età:35)
Roberta Collins(età:33)
Kyle RichardsKyle Richards(età:8)
Crystin Sinclaire(età:26)
(libby wood)
Janus Blythe(età:26)
Robert EnglundRobert Englund(età:30)
Betty Cole(età:69)

Technical staff

Tobe HooperTobe Hoopermusiche
Wayne Bellmusiche
Michael Brownmontatore
Marshall ReedMarshall Reedscenografo
Craig Reardontruccatore
Craig Reardonparrucchiere
Beth Rogerstruccatore
Beth Rogersparrucchiere
Robert Caramicodirettore della fotografia
Edward r. Morsecasting

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1977)