Database of cinema, music, history and literature

édith et marcel (1983)

Original title: édith et marcel
Production: France, USA|162 min| |


Claude LelouchClaude Lelouchregista

Production and Screenplay

Claude LelouchClaude Lelouchsceneggiatore
Pierre Uytterhoevensceneggiatore
Gilles Durieuxsceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Jacques VilleretJacques Villeret(età:32)
(jacques barbier)
Francis HusterFrancis Huster(età:36)
(francis roman)
Jean-claude BrialyJean-claude Brialy(età:50)
(loulou barrier)
Marcel Cerdan jr.
(Marcel Cerdan)
Jean BouiseJean Bouise(età:54)
(lucien roupp)
Charlotte De turckheim(età:28)

Technical staff

Francis LaiFrancis Laimusiche
Jacques Bufnoirscenografo
Hugues Darmoismontatore
Jean Boffetydirettore della fotografia
Sandrine Pérymontatore